Friday, June 24, 2011

Bacon Makes Everything better

Not Quite what you thought, but, still worth it:
demotivational posters - BACON
see more Very Demotivational


Got yet another post. This is great too, and relates more to Socialism. Yes I know, these are all from Pundit Kitchen. Great site to laugh at the world's politicians.

Two things

Wow, I seem to actually be finding some good things to put on this blog that nobody looks at. Oh well. Three posts in one week. *pats self on back* The other thing is:

political pictures - nicolas sarkozy - Gettin' Handsy
see more Political Pictures
Thought it was funny, he represents France's Democratic party, as well as the President of France, which is him. The opposition to him is the Socialists. Thats right Left-Right in France is Socialist-Democrats. So much nicer than here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So i was thinking again, to myself, why should people like Capitalism. I still can't figure it out. It's all the bad qualities of humans, greed, lust, competition, screwing one over to get something, etc. Socialism doesn't get rid of it all, it just seems to counter it and dim it down a bit. So, in essence, Socialism is Communism with Private Industry allowed. Agreed?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

After days of searching the web, I have found nothing. Zip, Nada. I feel as if every site relating to socialist and bacon is gone. If there were any to start. Until Now, I give you the Best Bacon thing ever:

Yep. Thats what google images brought me to. Kinda sad, or arousing, not sure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Not very relevent, but at the time I felt it would be nice to have music availiable to you all while you read what the little blog has. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A message

I would love to have all of you who see this on Buzz to follow this blog. I can add you as a contributor if you'd like, only if i know who you are in person. Anyone hear about Baconalia at Denny's?


Gentlemen and Gentlemen of the Bacon and Socialism blog,
It has come to my attention that Larry (our fine founder) has set it so that any posts on our fine blog get posted through his Google Buzz account. While this is perfectly fine, it could lead to some, well, undesirable consequences, such as an untrained observer thinking that Larry posses's some sort of split personality. One being a raving hard core socialist, who loves bacon (hence the name); One who also agrees with all the policies put forth by the first personality; And lastly, and Icelandic vegetarian who likes to keep things reasonable between the two other heads. Kind of like Zaphod Beeblbrox but with more creepyness.
So I propose that anyone who posts on Bacon and Socialism blog signs their name.
Like this,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Halló, minn góði vinur!

That was Icelandic. I'm gonna be contributing to the blog now, which is cool. It's funny, because I'm:
A. Vegetarian
B. Not a die-hard socialist. Hardly so. I believe that it, along with all political systems, are inherently flawed. I try to express an aura of moderation.
So yeah, I'll be contributing now and then.
That was Icelandic again. It's a cool country.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ah... Bacon

Your taste deprived from thou
His vegetarianism a blockade
The taste known only to me