Saturday, February 18, 2012

Django here.

So, Larry says the rest of us don't post on here...
Yeah, he's right, I may have possibly forgotten that I could post on here...
BUT yeah, I'm currently assembling a playlist of high quality electronic music. In high quality, of course.
Please, place creative ideas in the comments section below (fuck you RWJ).

Next thing, if you do not know already, here is a little whoring out for a friend of mine, who hosts online radio shows here:
Granted this blog gets potentially less readers than the website, but hey, every bit counts.

Now. What could anyone possibly talk about? There is no originality on the internet as we know it, but if there was it would go something like, 4chan shits out the keyboard, and comes up with a good idea, much like monkeys, typewriters, and Shakespeare. Then Reddit gets a hold of it and uses it for karma whoring, usually where I find it. Next, it gets reblogged around Tumblr for a while. And finally, after being Digged (Dugg? I don't use it) StumbledUpon, and emailed all over the web, it ends on facebook, and blogger, where this shit comes to die.
Or maybe be reborn, lets make this experience better shall we?

Peace, love, and pineapples.
Django out.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Well, I'm back. None of my other contributors seem to ever post. I hate doing this alone. To start things off, lets start with a Dubstep song.

Most of what is on uKF now seems to be shit. Too much vocals. But this song makes it acceptable. The bass is like older dubstep. back to the roots. Hell yeah!