Thursday, September 1, 2011

Socialism- a rant

Personally, I hate it when the far right considers anything more than far right socialist. They yelled and screamed at "Obamacare" but it was modelled afte Mitt Romney, a republican. They say Reagan was great, but he raised taxes several times and increased the size of the government. If Reagan were in the spotlight today, he'd be labeled as far left-socialist-fascist-muslim-nazi. Now many people say I am uncompromising. I am willing to compromise, but both sides have to. The far right wants nothing to do with Obama. He thinks he can do the right things and then they'll like him. They will never like him. Why? Because they never work with him, they want him to be a one term president. They even once said that was their one and only goal. They don;t care about jobs, health, environment, welfare, education, infrastructure, all they care about is their freaking wallets. They are in the pockets of corporations. Now so are a lot of democrats. Which is why I am a Socialist. Socialists can work through Democratic means and care for the people. Not corporations, which personally I think are the scum of humanity, or at least most of them. Google, Apple, and Microsoft are excluded. Google supports a wind farm off the east coast, Apple is working to make it's products more Environmentally safe, and Microsoft's former CEO, Bill Gates, has pledged huge monetary donations to charity. But caring for poor people is socialism according to "Tea Party Activists". Thats what the left needs. A far left, far radical group of lunatics to say, oh you want to ban gay marriage, fine, gay marriage should be the only legal form of marriage.

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