Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving, as much as i hate to say it, we need to thank our ancestors for bringing us to this great home. Our country may not be perfect, but I prefer living here than in Somalia or North Korea. The recent protests for Occupy show that we have a constitutional right that most people don't use or ignore. The cops that use the pepper spray need to go home to their families, which I hope at least one of their members was at an Occupy Protest. They need to think about their actions. They need to remember the reason for our country's existence. So that people could voice their opinion, regardless of ideology. We need to get back to that original idea of freedom and liberty. Us, the government, and Private Business all need to come together to solve the problems that face America today. A good balance is the answer. Not straight up Communism, not straight up Capitalism, but the happy medium called Socialism. If you ask me, Thanksgiving is a ver anti-Republican Holiday. Caring, well that is Welfare. Giving thanks? I would never, that is what a wimp would do. The only thing they like about this Holiday is the excessive eating.

 Whatever you do for Thanksgiving, eat alone, eat with family or friends, make it count. Laugh, eat, joke. Talk about the Red Sox, I don't care. Just talk to who you want. Enjoy your holiday. I was stuck eating with just my mum, but then we were invited over to some friend's up in Huntington. They are Jesus freaks, but i don't care, I try to respect everyone preferences now. I am thankful for that. So today, think about what you are thankful for. BYE!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Deadmau5 Remixes and Bacon

I actually find this song a bit more smooth than some of Deadmau5's newer stuff. Wait, spellcheck recognizes Deadmau5, and it doesn't recognize spellcheck. How awesome is that? So Medina is a mediocre Electronic singer. I guess i don't mind her.  But Deadmau5 did a sweet remix of her track "You and I". I guess the original is okay. I love this track. This song makes your day great. Deadmau5 rocks!

Also, a bacon subject! Wow it has been a little bit since I posted about the original namesake of this blog. Meat lovers unite!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


And now for a daily does of humor. Okay, well ,not daily, but whenever i feel like it. You can always find humor at the cheezburger network. Google that. NOW. But here is one from their pun website. It is so punny! You realized that was coming right? If you didn't you might be a few chromosomes short of a human. So here is the humor:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Music to make your day better

I was making a great DnB playlist when I came across this one song. ABout a few hours later, it got to this song, and I loved it. It helped me do my homework. It is by Muffler, someone I just discovered today. Love, listen, and live it! Here is Butterfly by Muffler:

Saturday, November 19, 2011


SOPA, a new bill that could censor the intenret in the uS, is under way!

Monday, November 14, 2011

House Dubstep!

You all know how much I don't like Skrillex. But I love Kaskade. The two have collaborated to produce a really great song. Upbeat, I listened to this within 30 seconds I was jumping like it was a club. Love the beat. Feel the rhythm in this.
Song is lick it.

Stupid Teens

I reason why I hate living where I do. Apparently, soem teeens from 12-16 killed a duck in Stanley Park. A duck that was well known for being different, and made me at least somewhat happy to be in Westfield, where it's landmark park had a cool duck. The duck was called Ozzie, and it was a sweet duck. A jogger saw them but they have not been apprehended. Why can;t more teens be like me? I love animals, I would never hurt one, unless it attacked me, which ozzie clearly did not attack them. Luckily, the duck got a sound-off and was buried properly. I do have a memory of the duck.

People suck. A dad had to tell his little girl that he had flown south. I hope she never finds out about this.

If people had more security, were doing more things, and had better education, this would not have happened. now it has been tired to Socialist/Liberalism.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chilled out Music

Okay, so I am subscribed on youtube to Liquicity. This is an awesome channel, stuff like Liquid Drum and bass. But not Pendulum. More obscure I guess you could say. A lot of the time, it feels uplifting. It can be energetic or relaxing. This song is the latter. Unquote is a producer on Hospital Records, I believe. I have no idea what language the smooth female lyrics are in, but man is this relaxing. Listen when upset, or when you need to chill out. I listen before i sleep every night, or at least I try.

The song is called Metro Dreaming. Close your eyes. Think of a happy place. Feel great. I love this song so much.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have been out of the loop for about two weeks becuase of my lack of internet capabilities. Can someone tell me what is going on in the world?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bacon Business!

Seriously, like a minute ago I said a bacon post was coming soon. I meant it biches. (yes that is deliberate) I in a matter of minutes or less this:

"Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow have re-invented what it means to be entrepreneurs. The self-proclaimed "bacontrepreneurs" have catapulted their love of bacon into a successful business.
"Everything should taste like bacon; that's the motto," Esch told ABC News.
Their business began as a joke over drinks. During a lively discussion with friends about their common passion for bacon, the idea for Bacon Salt, a product mixing their two favorite flavors, was born."

From ABC News. Isn't this beautiful. Capitalist it may be, but still beautiful.


I just got my power I mean my electricity back. Why the difference? Because you always have power. To say otherwise implies you well, have no power. You know, I was thinking during that week I didn't have computer, and even after that I had no internet. So I had to rely of human communications. With my mom. Dear god it was a terible experience, I think she is more radical-left than I am on certain things, and she supports the censorship of the internet. I really got worn thin when talking to her. But now I can spend all hours online again with no actual life. Yay for me. Oh and bacon post is coming soon.