Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving, as much as i hate to say it, we need to thank our ancestors for bringing us to this great home. Our country may not be perfect, but I prefer living here than in Somalia or North Korea. The recent protests for Occupy show that we have a constitutional right that most people don't use or ignore. The cops that use the pepper spray need to go home to their families, which I hope at least one of their members was at an Occupy Protest. They need to think about their actions. They need to remember the reason for our country's existence. So that people could voice their opinion, regardless of ideology. We need to get back to that original idea of freedom and liberty. Us, the government, and Private Business all need to come together to solve the problems that face America today. A good balance is the answer. Not straight up Communism, not straight up Capitalism, but the happy medium called Socialism. If you ask me, Thanksgiving is a ver anti-Republican Holiday. Caring, well that is Welfare. Giving thanks? I would never, that is what a wimp would do. The only thing they like about this Holiday is the excessive eating.

 Whatever you do for Thanksgiving, eat alone, eat with family or friends, make it count. Laugh, eat, joke. Talk about the Red Sox, I don't care. Just talk to who you want. Enjoy your holiday. I was stuck eating with just my mum, but then we were invited over to some friend's up in Huntington. They are Jesus freaks, but i don't care, I try to respect everyone preferences now. I am thankful for that. So today, think about what you are thankful for. BYE!

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