Friday, December 9, 2011

Music, Socialism, and Egypt

Hello again! What shall i START WITH (all caps FTW!)? Music, Socialism, or Egypt?

Good choice, Music. What's that you choose (insert other two choices, Socialism or Egypt, here)? TO BAD, I love this following song. It is a song that is not dubstep or electronic, it is I guess indie? I dunno. Here you go:
Ignore the video unless you don't want to ignore it.

Now, Egypt. The military has recently flexed their muscles once again. As Islamist seem to be taking the country's elections, the military has once again tried to moderate their influence. We all know that Iran would love to see Egypt join them in outrageous religious insanity. I have no issue with Muslim BTW, I just fear Iran and the like. They are some ignorant backwards idiots. How very American sounding of me. The military fears that the constitution will be hijacked (bad use of word) by the Islamist factions, which are well organized compared to the free thinking smart people called liberal/left wing/democrats/socialist/everyone else in the sane world. The military has now pushed for a council to discuss the constitution which would include half Islamist and half people the Islamists would probably exile like intellectuals and artists (remember this is based off of Iran). I for once support this, the last thing we need is another Iran. I hope the new Muslims, like people in their youth, get control and stop the older more fundementalist ones from gaining too much power.

Now finally Socialism. Well...I guess. Um...Occupy movement has gone to K Street, where all the lobbyists are. So yeah...thats news. You can Google what happened at Virginia Tech.

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