Saturday, March 24, 2012


So recently I, along with a friend, began Producing an album for a friend of ours. While neither of us expect to be paid or even acknowledged, it still is a boat load of fun. I don't know what there group name is, but I hope to get a preview of one of there songs up, along with future remixes I'll do for them. Expect Hip-Hop.

-DJ Semi:/Larry

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Segment: WHY JAPAN!?

I have recently been tryign to figure out cultures of othe rnations, you know to be less of an ignorant American. I can accept almost all other cultures that aren't radical, but Japan just doesn't do it for me. So I am starting a segment. Hopefully, once a week, I'll post something relating to japan. Today:
Here we see them on there trip to work. WTF Japan?
-The rest of the World.

100 Page Views and Oldskool dNb.

Yay! Our highest view count! Keep reloading the page Django! Maybe we'll reach 200 by next week!

So I wa slistening to High Contrast, AKA the best f*cking DnB artist out there. His musi cis original even with samples from old songs, but is awesome. Here is one that i love:
A sample in here is also used in a hardstyle song.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Music n shit!

Hey guys, what's up? Django here, with some music, and a question for y'all. 
Firstly, the music, during my weekly rare-music run at, I found this: 

For all the people who don't trust random links, this is a remix by Alpha Data of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Snow ((Hey Oh)). Normally I don't really like the electronic remixes of old, very unelectronic songs, but this is fucking amazing. Seriously, you should all go listen to it. You can download it there as well.

Secondly, Larry has a DJ name. Now, I'm no DJ, but I dabble, and I work rather hard in the design of electronic music itself, with Audacity, FL Studio, and a few secret ones. What should I call myself? Seriously, I'm lookin for ideas.

Hail and farewell comerades.
Django out.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New SOng

Of mine! DJ Semicolon - New Earth

Don't ask about the name. I just liked it. Sounded better than cheddar.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Thank You Django for the post. I hope to see more done by you. I'd like to take a few minutes to type about and you read about a great Youtube Channel, called Liqiucity. A Liquid Drum n Bass channel, the best on youtube.

They have great dnb, whihc tends to be softer on the ears than say, Pendulum. But don't get me wrong, I love Pendulum, but I like my ears to be soothed or happy more than not. Half of the stuff on here is energetic, another half soothing. Most of the music just makes me happy, and want to do a backflip. But I can't do a backflip. Which then makes me mad. But then I get happy again, and it may repeat up to ten times. SO then I go listen to Indie Rock.

A taste of their more energetic side: