Thursday, March 8, 2012

Music n shit!

Hey guys, what's up? Django here, with some music, and a question for y'all. 
Firstly, the music, during my weekly rare-music run at, I found this: 

For all the people who don't trust random links, this is a remix by Alpha Data of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Snow ((Hey Oh)). Normally I don't really like the electronic remixes of old, very unelectronic songs, but this is fucking amazing. Seriously, you should all go listen to it. You can download it there as well.

Secondly, Larry has a DJ name. Now, I'm no DJ, but I dabble, and I work rather hard in the design of electronic music itself, with Audacity, FL Studio, and a few secret ones. What should I call myself? Seriously, I'm lookin for ideas.

Hail and farewell comerades.
Django out.

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