Monday, October 10, 2011

Bacon Chocolate!

Ever had bacon and chocolate? You haven't!? Good god I don't know if we can be friends interwebs.

Sigh, ok, I lied, we can be friends if you eat it once. Ok? Good. You can go to this website:

They have everything related to chocolate bars and bacon, together of course.  The combination is like sweet and salty, and who doesn't like sweet and salty? (If someone reads this who doesn't like sweet and salty, I hate you. Well sort of hate you. Ok fine I don't hate you.) The bacon provides crunchiness to it as well. I get some for my birthday, easter, and Christmas. I wonder I anyone gives these out on Halloween. Hm... I would probably kiss that person. (hint: get me bacon and chocolate and I will love you)

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