Friday, October 21, 2011

He-ha another post!

I know you all care SOOO much about this little blog of my insanity. Well mostly my insanity, my contributors work like a bunch of rocks high on pot. Hey, I can't write a blog no one cares about without other help! But I guess that is because no one cares enough to write it. Well, anyways, enough bout random stuff you don't care about. Lets talk about music you don't care about.

Dubstep Mixes.

No, not any UKF Mixes, I am talking really unknown mixes, by unknown people. Like this:
Dubstep Is My Favorite Band Volume 3 Preview. It is a great album coming out full of compilations. I am proud to say Skrillex has nothing to do with the preview mix, and hopefully has nothing to do with the album.

Again, from DubMassacre on youtube. Great stuff. Take a listen, and stay thirsty for dirty my friends.

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