Friday, December 30, 2011

More Funny

Well until i can find the- hold washing machine has stopped-

Right, the thing times out all the time now, can't do a load of laundry withou- nevermind. Until I can find some related things, it's time for Funny!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.

I hope you all have a great Christmas. I hope you have a enjoyable yule. I hope your new year is happy. I hope your occupy movement lives on. I wish for a lot. What do you wish for? Say in the comments!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


Buzz has now been killed. While it was a sad loss, many people didn't notice. No, the older more mature sites of the internet barely noticed. Facebook didn't know, it's users continuing to play cat videos and share "food" they made in Facebook minigames.

Yes, Facebook, the reason why buzz was created, didn't weep. Didn't pay attention to the Killing of Google's first born son, Buzz. Google+ would continue to function as a more regulated Facebook, barring users from under the age of US National suffrage.

Yes, tumblr and reddit barely noticed the star of buzz going out slowly, then suddenly. The warnings were on for months, since late October, the users of the underused buzz were in fear of when Buzz would "go boom."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Music, Socialism, and Egypt

Hello again! What shall i START WITH (all caps FTW!)? Music, Socialism, or Egypt?

Good choice, Music. What's that you choose (insert other two choices, Socialism or Egypt, here)? TO BAD, I love this following song. It is a song that is not dubstep or electronic, it is I guess indie? I dunno. Here you go:
Ignore the video unless you don't want to ignore it.

Now, Egypt. The military has recently flexed their muscles once again. As Islamist seem to be taking the country's elections, the military has once again tried to moderate their influence. We all know that Iran would love to see Egypt join them in outrageous religious insanity. I have no issue with Muslim BTW, I just fear Iran and the like. They are some ignorant backwards idiots. How very American sounding of me. The military fears that the constitution will be hijacked (bad use of word) by the Islamist factions, which are well organized compared to the free thinking smart people called liberal/left wing/democrats/socialist/everyone else in the sane world. The military has now pushed for a council to discuss the constitution which would include half Islamist and half people the Islamists would probably exile like intellectuals and artists (remember this is based off of Iran). I for once support this, the last thing we need is another Iran. I hope the new Muslims, like people in their youth, get control and stop the older more fundementalist ones from gaining too much power.

Now finally Socialism. Well...I guess. Um...Occupy movement has gone to K Street, where all the lobbyists are. So yeah...thats news. You can Google what happened at Virginia Tech.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Trans WORLD Railway

So the Trans-Siberian Railway exists in Russia. It takes about 2 weeks to travel the entire length of it.

The proposed links of high Speed Rail in the USA would connect the US eventually. It too would take weeks to complete.

So what about a Russian-US connection by way of SIberia and Alaska. How awesome would that be? I MEAN SERIOUSLY! FUCK YEAH!

I really love this idea. And the Russian have APPROVED AN IDEA FOR IT!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

On this Thanksgiving, as much as i hate to say it, we need to thank our ancestors for bringing us to this great home. Our country may not be perfect, but I prefer living here than in Somalia or North Korea. The recent protests for Occupy show that we have a constitutional right that most people don't use or ignore. The cops that use the pepper spray need to go home to their families, which I hope at least one of their members was at an Occupy Protest. They need to think about their actions. They need to remember the reason for our country's existence. So that people could voice their opinion, regardless of ideology. We need to get back to that original idea of freedom and liberty. Us, the government, and Private Business all need to come together to solve the problems that face America today. A good balance is the answer. Not straight up Communism, not straight up Capitalism, but the happy medium called Socialism. If you ask me, Thanksgiving is a ver anti-Republican Holiday. Caring, well that is Welfare. Giving thanks? I would never, that is what a wimp would do. The only thing they like about this Holiday is the excessive eating.

 Whatever you do for Thanksgiving, eat alone, eat with family or friends, make it count. Laugh, eat, joke. Talk about the Red Sox, I don't care. Just talk to who you want. Enjoy your holiday. I was stuck eating with just my mum, but then we were invited over to some friend's up in Huntington. They are Jesus freaks, but i don't care, I try to respect everyone preferences now. I am thankful for that. So today, think about what you are thankful for. BYE!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Deadmau5 Remixes and Bacon

I actually find this song a bit more smooth than some of Deadmau5's newer stuff. Wait, spellcheck recognizes Deadmau5, and it doesn't recognize spellcheck. How awesome is that? So Medina is a mediocre Electronic singer. I guess i don't mind her.  But Deadmau5 did a sweet remix of her track "You and I". I guess the original is okay. I love this track. This song makes your day great. Deadmau5 rocks!

Also, a bacon subject! Wow it has been a little bit since I posted about the original namesake of this blog. Meat lovers unite!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


And now for a daily does of humor. Okay, well ,not daily, but whenever i feel like it. You can always find humor at the cheezburger network. Google that. NOW. But here is one from their pun website. It is so punny! You realized that was coming right? If you didn't you might be a few chromosomes short of a human. So here is the humor:

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Music to make your day better

I was making a great DnB playlist when I came across this one song. ABout a few hours later, it got to this song, and I loved it. It helped me do my homework. It is by Muffler, someone I just discovered today. Love, listen, and live it! Here is Butterfly by Muffler:

Saturday, November 19, 2011


SOPA, a new bill that could censor the intenret in the uS, is under way!

Monday, November 14, 2011

House Dubstep!

You all know how much I don't like Skrillex. But I love Kaskade. The two have collaborated to produce a really great song. Upbeat, I listened to this within 30 seconds I was jumping like it was a club. Love the beat. Feel the rhythm in this.
Song is lick it.

Stupid Teens

I reason why I hate living where I do. Apparently, soem teeens from 12-16 killed a duck in Stanley Park. A duck that was well known for being different, and made me at least somewhat happy to be in Westfield, where it's landmark park had a cool duck. The duck was called Ozzie, and it was a sweet duck. A jogger saw them but they have not been apprehended. Why can;t more teens be like me? I love animals, I would never hurt one, unless it attacked me, which ozzie clearly did not attack them. Luckily, the duck got a sound-off and was buried properly. I do have a memory of the duck.

People suck. A dad had to tell his little girl that he had flown south. I hope she never finds out about this.

If people had more security, were doing more things, and had better education, this would not have happened. now it has been tired to Socialist/Liberalism.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chilled out Music

Okay, so I am subscribed on youtube to Liquicity. This is an awesome channel, stuff like Liquid Drum and bass. But not Pendulum. More obscure I guess you could say. A lot of the time, it feels uplifting. It can be energetic or relaxing. This song is the latter. Unquote is a producer on Hospital Records, I believe. I have no idea what language the smooth female lyrics are in, but man is this relaxing. Listen when upset, or when you need to chill out. I listen before i sleep every night, or at least I try.

The song is called Metro Dreaming. Close your eyes. Think of a happy place. Feel great. I love this song so much.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have been out of the loop for about two weeks becuase of my lack of internet capabilities. Can someone tell me what is going on in the world?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Bacon Business!

Seriously, like a minute ago I said a bacon post was coming soon. I meant it biches. (yes that is deliberate) I in a matter of minutes or less this:

"Justin Esch and Dave Lefkow have re-invented what it means to be entrepreneurs. The self-proclaimed "bacontrepreneurs" have catapulted their love of bacon into a successful business.
"Everything should taste like bacon; that's the motto," Esch told ABC News.
Their business began as a joke over drinks. During a lively discussion with friends about their common passion for bacon, the idea for Bacon Salt, a product mixing their two favorite flavors, was born."

From ABC News. Isn't this beautiful. Capitalist it may be, but still beautiful.


I just got my power I mean my electricity back. Why the difference? Because you always have power. To say otherwise implies you well, have no power. You know, I was thinking during that week I didn't have computer, and even after that I had no internet. So I had to rely of human communications. With my mom. Dear god it was a terible experience, I think she is more radical-left than I am on certain things, and she supports the censorship of the internet. I really got worn thin when talking to her. But now I can spend all hours online again with no actual life. Yay for me. Oh and bacon post is coming soon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Soundcloud and Riots!

Nope they aren't related. Unfortunately. However, I created a Soundcloud, and I uploaded an old song I created in California more than three years ago. Check it out. Look for Pure Sound.  Follow me with your Soundcloud account, which I suggest you create. Here is the song, it is a bit funk like:

Bring the beat Back by Pure Sound

Also, the Occupy movement has been getting the hammer and it wasn't the worker's. The City Police of Oakland have used teargas on protestors to get them away from the town hall. I thought we had free speech in the US?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Deadmau5 talks about Justin Bieber

Ok, so this is a bit explicit, he drops the f bomb, as well as shit, but it is funny. Take a watch or listen:

Friday, October 21, 2011

He-ha another post!

I know you all care SOOO much about this little blog of my insanity. Well mostly my insanity, my contributors work like a bunch of rocks high on pot. Hey, I can't write a blog no one cares about without other help! But I guess that is because no one cares enough to write it. Well, anyways, enough bout random stuff you don't care about. Lets talk about music you don't care about.

Dubstep Mixes.

No, not any UKF Mixes, I am talking really unknown mixes, by unknown people. Like this:
Dubstep Is My Favorite Band Volume 3 Preview. It is a great album coming out full of compilations. I am proud to say Skrillex has nothing to do with the preview mix, and hopefully has nothing to do with the album.

Again, from DubMassacre on youtube. Great stuff. Take a listen, and stay thirsty for dirty my friends.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Thank God I am sick, I would have never found this. Hm...I want bacon now.

Completely Relevant

As i did once before, I am going to post random stuff. So this time, instead of a history of hammers, a hilarious sketch comedy video. It is by BriTANnick, and I love it. It also features part of Midsummer's Night Dream.

Monday, October 10, 2011


So I have been into the Dubstep Genre for a while now, since before Skrillex. Back when it was a small group of DJs from London and the rest of the UK. I have seen it grow, and I am proud of that. I am glad i got to watch it gain popularity. But then we get to the bad thing. Look at Hip-Hop. It used to be good, back in the 80s and 90s. Now we have New Boyz. Jay-Z and Kanye West are the only modern Hip Hop guys I can stand. I mean Skrillex has ruined dubstep for me. I first listened to Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites last year, thought it was good. Then I heard Ruffneck bass and Equinox. Terrible. If Dubstep becomes the next hip-hop, in ten years or more I fear what will be on the radio. Dubstep is supposed to be dark, deep, and low on the sounds. Not too many higher pitched noises. A good dubstep song should be long, five minutes at least. And huge amounts of bass that need good headphones or speakers to hear. Most people aren't going to have those, and so the Corporation-ized dubstep will have less bass, shorter times, and too much vocals. Be glad this is about as hipster as I get.

Bacon Chocolate!

Ever had bacon and chocolate? You haven't!? Good god I don't know if we can be friends interwebs.

Sigh, ok, I lied, we can be friends if you eat it once. Ok? Good. You can go to this website:

They have everything related to chocolate bars and bacon, together of course.  The combination is like sweet and salty, and who doesn't like sweet and salty? (If someone reads this who doesn't like sweet and salty, I hate you. Well sort of hate you. Ok fine I don't hate you.) The bacon provides crunchiness to it as well. I get some for my birthday, easter, and Christmas. I wonder I anyone gives these out on Halloween. Hm... I would probably kiss that person. (hint: get me bacon and chocolate and I will love you)

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Ever listen to Tiësto's Club Life Podcast? You should. Check it on iTunes. Great music for dancing or just to listen while you work. Energetic stuff. Wish it was played in the US, but it seems the only radio it is broadcast on is Dutch, in Holland. :/

Here is a song that stuck out to me:

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Halloween, Wall Street, and Phantogram

Hello again. This is your favorite blogger that has a following just of whoever sees this on buzz. Seriously. If anyone doesn't see this post through my buzz account, please post a comment. So Halloween is a few weeks away, and Halloween is by far my favorite of holidays.

 I mean come on. Its fun. You have kids going out to trick or treat, people going to parties. The creativity is beautiful. I personally think some of my best early childhood memories are of trick or treating. I remember one time I went trick or treating by a three level house, which had music playing along with sound effects. The three levels had different lighting, along with props. I mean that house was AWESOME! Ironically, they weren't home during it, but they had left candy out. Yay sugar. Now as much as I like Halloween, I must also say that it has been a bit too commercialized. The other day, Chips ahoy had special "haunted" cookies. Really? And even I work at a haunted house, but this is different because it is family owned and the guy who owns it is really nice. You can check out the link here:
I didn't create the website.

Secodnly, we move on to some protests. No not more middle eastern, although you should check out what is going on in Bahrain. No I speak of course of the Wall Street takeover. My favorite protests. These protests are an amalgamation of people from all sides of the left wing and even a few right wingers. They seem to be protesting everything, which I say good. The entirety of the US needs a complete overhaul. Maybe we should hire Apple to make the iGovernment or iMerica. Too bad Steve has died. Rest in Peace Steve, you have made a huge impact on the world. It is the end of an era with your death. Anyways, the majority of this is to protest corporations and how they influence the Government. Which they do. Lobbyists prevent any regulations from being passed. The environment and consumer pay for that. Taxes are lower on the corporations and wealthy, which is wrong when a student has to go into debt to get a good education after high school. The welfare system is broken in this country. Too many people for too long. Better healthcare is still needed, a Government-run option would be great. Everywhere you look, America is falling apart, literally in some cases, as our infrastructure is worse than that of Mexico, especially in the southern and Midwest states. Our economy and environment are terrible, all because any good strong piece of legislation in congress is shot down by lobbied Republicans, and a few pussy-assed Democrats. Don't even get me started on the cops.

Finally, we move on to music. Not really sure what to call this genre, probably Indie, but it really has more of an older feel to it. Heard this on WRNX, found this accidentally after I listened to Phantogram, which I found after listening to Nero. With 21,000 views, I thought I'd give it another 5 views. The song name is Loud N Proud, by Scoundrels. Just listen to this song:

Saturday, October 1, 2011

1 October 2011!

Halloween is only a few weeks away! Oddly enough, despite being one of the most commercialized holidays, I still love it. So keep you eyes peeled for a post about bacon and halloween.  In the meantime, check out this song from A State Of Trance Podcast. The Podcast shows artists from Trance Music, which is pretty good music. Synths, Beats, and energy. This song showcases it all. Here is:

W&W & Mark Sixma - Twist (Extended Mix) 


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DJ Fresh - Closer

Possibly one of my favs from Escape from Planet Monday, this song starts smooth, but beware the midsection, when things really heat up!


I hope we can get more, but thanks for all the views. That's almost as much people as the state of rhode island!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

DJ Fresh

Another Music thing. Wow I am so glad i added this to the blog repertoire. It is nice to be able to post lots more. So I was listening to some old Drum n' Bass, when an old tune from DJ Fresh hit me. The song "Mission to Mars" is an old classic from, wait no it's not. DJ Fresh seemed to have turned from undergound Jungle to Pop-ish Drum and Bass, but this one is on Future Jungle - EP. Anyways, here is one of my favorite tunes by DJ Fresh. Sorry about the rip. This is from The drum and bass Podcast, and you can hear Example come on and say that. Again, sorry.

Eat BLTs!

The Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato is one of the best sandwiches. Commonly known as the BLT, it's history is older than you think.

Starting shortly before 1900,  the BLT evolved out of the Tea Sandiwhces in England. That's right, the British created delicious food. I hadn't even realized that. It is currently one of the most popular sandwiches both in the United States and the United Kingdom, enjoyed by all social classes. The sandwich's popularity has led to a number of oversized reproductions (the current record for the "world's largest BLT" is over 209 ft/64 m) and a pop art sculpture by Claes Oldenburg.

Since all social classes enjoy the BLT, it is also a classless sandwich, meaning it can promote a Socialist Agenda! Look out America, Socialism is in your sandwich! Ironically, a lot of rednecks refer to bacon as a 'Merican thing.

My favorite BLT variation is the BATA. Bacon, Arugula, Tomato, and Avocado. The creamy avocado brings the bacon and arugula nicely together, and the tomato gives it an added juice to the sandwich. I generally think of lettuce as a flavorless food, one with no independent taste, relying on the other foods it is always served with. Arugula is flavorful, healthier, and god damn yummy. Then for bread, you can use almost any bread, but i prefer a nice rye bread, adding more flavor. Then to coat this bread with a very thin layer of Miracle Whip with a dash of Tabasco hot sauce, or if you happen to have it, Bacon Hot Sauce. Yes that's right, it exists. Google it. Now. Now you know how to put together a sandwich don't you? Good. The bacon you should have for this should be cooked by whatver means you want, although I prefer it traditional, on my frying pan. Use thick cut bacon, preferably peppered, never EVER use cheap smoke-injected bacon, it just isn't the same.

Now once you have cooked the bacon, you can have the sandwich. Serve with a soda, tea, coffee, beer, wine, any drink you want! Hell even have a bacon Martini with it. You can look that one up yourself, as I don't drink alcohol. I love a nice cold root beer from a glass bottle with my BATA or BLT, next to some Lightly Salted potato chips.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Alright our first Music post. i THOUGHT TO GET US STARTED, WE'D KICK OFF WITH AN UNDERGROUND TRANCE SONG. Sorry about the caps lock there. I don't feel like going back and changing that. So deal with it. ANyways, this track is from SpinninRec, one of my favorite sources of trance and club. This song is by Peter Gelderblom, featuring nice piano, along with a disco-like beat. The song also features vocals by Dominica. It has received positive statements from David Guetta, Steve Aoki, and Axwell. The song is out no on Beatport!
Out now on beatport:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Attitudes towards Socialists

Have you ever been angry to have people automatically assume that you are a Stalinist dictator because you happen to like Socialism? I have. I am sick of it. I thought about it a while, and I think the we can blame the Soviet Union and Richard Nixon-style Republicans. They demonized even the slightest socialist-leaning person into a threat. The Hammer and Sickle need to be claimed as socialist symbols of hard work and sacrifice, which is ironic because the Right-wing nowadays wants us to believe they are the ones for the common man. What is needed is a Socialist Party that wouldn't take bribes from special interest groups like corporations or the Koch Brothers. Things would be so much nicer without corporate lobbying.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Socialism- a rant

Personally, I hate it when the far right considers anything more than far right socialist. They yelled and screamed at "Obamacare" but it was modelled afte Mitt Romney, a republican. They say Reagan was great, but he raised taxes several times and increased the size of the government. If Reagan were in the spotlight today, he'd be labeled as far left-socialist-fascist-muslim-nazi. Now many people say I am uncompromising. I am willing to compromise, but both sides have to. The far right wants nothing to do with Obama. He thinks he can do the right things and then they'll like him. They will never like him. Why? Because they never work with him, they want him to be a one term president. They even once said that was their one and only goal. They don;t care about jobs, health, environment, welfare, education, infrastructure, all they care about is their freaking wallets. They are in the pockets of corporations. Now so are a lot of democrats. Which is why I am a Socialist. Socialists can work through Democratic means and care for the people. Not corporations, which personally I think are the scum of humanity, or at least most of them. Google, Apple, and Microsoft are excluded. Google supports a wind farm off the east coast, Apple is working to make it's products more Environmentally safe, and Microsoft's former CEO, Bill Gates, has pledged huge monetary donations to charity. But caring for poor people is socialism according to "Tea Party Activists". Thats what the left needs. A far left, far radical group of lunatics to say, oh you want to ban gay marriage, fine, gay marriage should be the only legal form of marriage.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sorry about the lul

Wel sorry about the 1+ Month lul. Been really busy on Nationstates. So that's been my summer. But I have managed to find some cool stuff about bacon:
1. Bacon Mayo go to it. NOW
2. Bacon Scarve Outrageously priced, but cool. Now us hipsters can wear bacon scarves for when it's bacon season, whihc is year round. Unless you are the vegetarian hipster. Ew...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Since there is nothing to say...
I decided to use this post to talk about the history of hammers. Why? Why the hell not? It is somewhat relevant, as it is used in the symbol of Communism, and it is also used as an unorthodox method for killing pigs. Lets start:

Early History
The hammer started at least in 2,400,000 BCE when various shaped stones were used to strike wood, bone, or other stones to break them apart and shape them. Stones attached to sticks with strips of leather or animal sinew were being used as hammers by about 30,000 BCE. Its archeological record means it is perhaps the oldest human tool known. 
Most hammers now contain a grip, usually rubber or leather, on top of a wooden or metal handle, with the claw and flat end on top.

Specialized hammers of many types were made for particular jobs. Different sizes and designs suited them for tasks ranging from delicately driving in brads to secure small moldings to pounding home the large wooden pegs used to hold together building and ship frames.
claw hammer Claw hammers were common. Like many hammers, they were dual-purpose tools. The face was used to drive nails, while the claw was used to pull them.
riveting hammer head The peens of riveting hammers were used to spread the ends of rivets or to drive brads in tight spaces.
cooper's adze Coopers' adzes had an adze blade on one side and a hammer head for driving hoops on the other.
shipbuilder's pin maul head Shipbuilders' pin mauls were used to drive and countersink spikes and wooden pins.
upholstery hammery Upholsters' hammers had long heads and claws for driving and pulling tacks in hard-to-reach places.
lathing hammer Lathing hammers had a blade for splitting and cutting lath (wooden strips over which plaster was laid) and a hammer for nailing it into place.
mallet Mallets and Clubs: Wooden hammers were used to strike tools such as froes, wedges, or chisels that would be damaged if hit with a metal hammer. They also were used to drive wooden joints together. Small wooden hammers were called mallets. Larger ones were called clubs, mauls, or beetles.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sorry bout the break. Couldn't anything good, had NS, and so busy on Buzz and IRL. I will post something when i find something, or mayber YOU OTHER CONTRIBUTORS CAN DO SOMETHING!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Bacon Makes Everything better

Not Quite what you thought, but, still worth it:
demotivational posters - BACON
see more Very Demotivational


Got yet another post. This is great too, and relates more to Socialism. Yes I know, these are all from Pundit Kitchen. Great site to laugh at the world's politicians.

Two things

Wow, I seem to actually be finding some good things to put on this blog that nobody looks at. Oh well. Three posts in one week. *pats self on back* The other thing is:

political pictures - nicolas sarkozy - Gettin' Handsy
see more Political Pictures
Thought it was funny, he represents France's Democratic party, as well as the President of France, which is him. The opposition to him is the Socialists. Thats right Left-Right in France is Socialist-Democrats. So much nicer than here.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So i was thinking again, to myself, why should people like Capitalism. I still can't figure it out. It's all the bad qualities of humans, greed, lust, competition, screwing one over to get something, etc. Socialism doesn't get rid of it all, it just seems to counter it and dim it down a bit. So, in essence, Socialism is Communism with Private Industry allowed. Agreed?

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

After days of searching the web, I have found nothing. Zip, Nada. I feel as if every site relating to socialist and bacon is gone. If there were any to start. Until Now, I give you the Best Bacon thing ever:

Yep. Thats what google images brought me to. Kinda sad, or arousing, not sure.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Not very relevent, but at the time I felt it would be nice to have music availiable to you all while you read what the little blog has. Enjoy.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

A message

I would love to have all of you who see this on Buzz to follow this blog. I can add you as a contributor if you'd like, only if i know who you are in person. Anyone hear about Baconalia at Denny's?


Gentlemen and Gentlemen of the Bacon and Socialism blog,
It has come to my attention that Larry (our fine founder) has set it so that any posts on our fine blog get posted through his Google Buzz account. While this is perfectly fine, it could lead to some, well, undesirable consequences, such as an untrained observer thinking that Larry posses's some sort of split personality. One being a raving hard core socialist, who loves bacon (hence the name); One who also agrees with all the policies put forth by the first personality; And lastly, and Icelandic vegetarian who likes to keep things reasonable between the two other heads. Kind of like Zaphod Beeblbrox but with more creepyness.
So I propose that anyone who posts on Bacon and Socialism blog signs their name.
Like this,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Halló, minn góði vinur!

That was Icelandic. I'm gonna be contributing to the blog now, which is cool. It's funny, because I'm:
A. Vegetarian
B. Not a die-hard socialist. Hardly so. I believe that it, along with all political systems, are inherently flawed. I try to express an aura of moderation.
So yeah, I'll be contributing now and then.
That was Icelandic again. It's a cool country.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ah... Bacon

Your taste deprived from thou
His vegetarianism a blockade
The taste known only to me

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stand Up and Fight Back

So, I was surfing the web for some fun things to post about [read, "bored out of skull in class"], and I found this, yayyy:

Have fun
sorry about the delay. I need to figure out some stuff to put here....

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Getting Started

All right, so I founded this blog to talk about to of my favorite things. Socialism and Bacon. The Communist Pig is about those two things. Feel free to post new things you find about Socialism or Bacon. Here is a video about the classic Beggin Strips to get us started.


test post