Saturday, April 14, 2012


So as I'm sure you're all aware of, Taco Bell, the until a few years ago a Mexican-style Fast-food chain, has been selling a Doritos Nacho cheese taco shell taco. Knowing me, you'd expect me to eat it. Not only did I, I had two of these freaks of culinary, nay- scientific nature. I say this because there is no way that this was meant to be. Oh, and by the way, they were delicious. But while I was eating this, I thought to myself, as I sipped my blue liquid the color of wiper fluid for cars, this is something I could do only in the US. Maybe the UK and Canada.

In Western Europe, they'd look confused.

In Eastern Europe, I had drug lords trying to figure out who sold it to me so they could sell it too

In Africa, they'd think it was dangerous

In the Middle East, it'd be used as Anti-US Propaganda

In Southern/Western Asia, they'd have similar reactions to the Chinese

Delicious AND cleans your windshield
In Mexico, they'd think I was insulting them

See, there also is a Capitalist aspect to it. Due to years of the gradual dumbing down of the consumer, they are so dumb as to buy this shit. This delicious shit. I love it, for example. I will never buy it again. But there are people that will buy this repeatedly. Only in America.
Even this is from California
Seriously? The combinations of foods now. Does anyone remember the days when we had food? Like Hamburgers? Hot Wings? No, now we have pink slime inside of our 1/3 pound smashed monstrosities from unknown locations in east Watusi. I miss my grass fed free range cows. But that takes too much money.

Hey Kids, your "finely textured" animal product is here!
You want to eat this? No? Well your in luck, it seems that perhaps the consumers had been listened to. Almost all of the places selling stuff with it inside had dropped it. But you still have irradiation to worry about.
Remember these? These are called Cows
Yes we should go back to the days of actually killing our food. Not just gettign wierd parts of it and feeding its offspring the rest. Enjoy your next meal folks!

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