Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pretty Lights

I recently discovered an artist called Pretty Lights. Jazzy, electronic, glitchy, I already posted about them, but i felt maybe a sampler might be a good idea. Its like Flying lotus, but also like Moby. But also electronic like Daft Punk. And has jazz instruments like Goldfish! I love them. This first song is Jazzy. With a nice grooving tempo, smooth bassline, and snazzy sax, it is something I'd expect a Jazz festival to have playing.
This next one has another grooving bassline, but some vynyl scratches are added, and the rainy saxophone is still present. Also, that familiar Etta James sample is present. I got into a political argument on this video, look for the Comments by Capisari.
This is a faster tempo than the previous two, and has some strings that remind me of Parov Stelar's stuff.  An electronic beat is present as well, although not up front like a house track. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do.

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