Friday, April 20, 2012

Countryside vs City

Now, I just had a fight about this. The majority of my friends i talked to prefer the country. I think that's because they live in the country, and have for the majority of there lives. Being someone born in LA area, I love the city.

Montreal, Toronto, and Boston. My favs. and LA has its own category.

Some may say the city is polluted, and that there is crime. To which I say, yes, there is crime, but because the people in the country are so anti-gun regulation. So cities are the victims of backwards legislation. The attacks on women are done by religious conservatives that live in THE COUNTRY. Most cities are democratic, and even better, mildly socialist. San Fransisco has free public healthcare. Cities have better public facilities, like fire, police, and ER. Not to mention things like libraries. And they are more built up, so there is less chance of roads being closed because of natural disaster. The majority of the world's population lives in a city now. Cities are more evolved than the country. The first places to get the newest innovations are cities. Faster Internet. I might just list the advantages of living in the city:

I am talking about the nicer areas of cities, lets leave the bad sections out of this, and I'd rather live in a drug ridden section of a city than in a town of racists.

1. Education is better
2. Healthcare
3. Internet is faster
4. More roads and means of transport
5. Localized living, no driving 50+ miles to get milk
6. Libraries
7. More public funding into infrastructure
8. Arts, the arts are often promoted more in cities. When was the last time you heard an opera in a small town?
9. Trains, more eco friendly than cars
10. More people=more friends=more exchange of ideas
11. Many More. I might list them in individual posts.

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