Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Occasionally, i like to take some time out of the usual mindless posting of things that is now pretty much 90% NOT bacon and socialist, and add to the 90% and make it be a little thoughtful. And If I'm lucky, connect it somehow to Socialism.

Ok, so I have been thinking that it seems like everyone else is doing stuff. Without me. Now I know that that's just fine and dandy, and you have the right to do that. But it seems like everyone goes out and off and is doing something this week. My girlfriend will be in Cambridge on Friday/Saturday. My friend DJango is in Florida, my other friend is in Holland. I have been home in front of my computer alone for the entire week. On Sunday I get to have a my birthday party, but its sunday and only shortens the time I'm away from my friends. I actually think I'm the one person to HATE week long vacations. The first few days are nice but then I start missing my friends. I'd invite them over but my parental authority wouldn't want teenagers at home alone for an entire day with no supervision. She thinks that if there is two or more of my kind alone we'll smoke pot and watch porn all day. She couldn't be wronger, we can't afford pot, and who watches porn with friends? We'd probably just sit in front of the TV or Computer all day and talk about Minecraft/Internet Memes/Music. But I do that through gchat.

I feel like maybe I should get outside more often. but outside my yard is terrible and there are wasps. And its so uneven you'd break your leg trying to run. ANd who is going to walk around outside alone int here yard? Less than a quarter acre. Dafuq are you supposed to do? Through a frisbee to yourself? That's hard, dumb, tiresome, and makes you look forever alone.

So I think I should do things more. But what? loiter? In my town, those of you that know where i live, not much do to. Walgreen's is my idea of a fun time! And all my friends live far away. My girlfriend lives on the other end of the state.

Of course, by the end of summer vacation I am seeing my friends faces where they aren't there, and again, I am always glad to be back in school. Maybe i just have bad friends who rarely ask me to do anything.

I guess i can't really apply this to Bacon or Socialism, except that after I post tis i am going to go eat some bacon.

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