Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Political Climate and Women

So as we all know, this year is an election year. After a terrifying republican primary, where all the candidates tried to get to the right of each other, and when Mitt Romney gave up any credibility he had earned as Governor of a liberal state. During this an age old attack on logic began. Science, free thought, Islam, Atheism, and Women were all valid targets.

The attack on women though, perhaps, is the most important one. Considering that they make up half of the nation, they are a huge voting group. Polls have Obama with leads of up to 20 points with women, compared to Romney. And the republicans wonder why? They think it's some liberal-psuedo-commie conspiracy, and that women are still this:
Thing is, they're not. They vote now. They use this new thing called birth control, which while may allow as Rush Limbaugh calls it "sluts" to be able to do it more, it also prevents kids like this:
But this is a more likely supporter of Republicans!
Women tend to be more liberal, so it's not wonder why the Right is attacking them with things we settled years ago. Abortion, Birth Control, Equal Pay. A bill in Wisconsin that protected equal pay rights in that state was recently repealed! Why? Because supposedly men value money more. We have been transported back to the 50s! The democrats have gotten so weak that they can't stand up fo rhte things they supported, hell, even republicans supported in the 60s and 70s. The fundamental christian spring that has recently happened in the republican party is actually something that Nixon, Reagan, McCain, and many other veteren, well educated, Republicans have warned against. The base of the Republican Party has gotten so radicalized that not even the older, smart, republicans can cope. Many have been exiled to the Democrats! The Democrats need to move farther to the left. In order to combat the rise of fundamentalist right, we need a secular left. Ironically, we need the very thing that the right is afraid of. Socialist Secularists who want to take away your guns and make the US into a Socialist State. Caring for people and wanting equal rights for all isn't some secular left way of making you sodomize your children. I would have had my mom type this, but she was at work. Shocking.

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