Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Attack on Producing, and a comment on Modern Pop

Music. I mean the attack on Producing Music. Electronically, specifically. The recent rise of Skrillex into the corner of maybe the mainstream, has caused a lot of the internet to turn against the people who use, ableton, protools, logic, reason, FL Studio. Why? Because the computer is not an instrument of music they say. But it still requires you be able to read music, not any less than other genres. You need to be able to play a keyboard most often, and the DJ Set is often only for mixing and playing live shows. They like to criticize producers/djs for not be artistic.

I say that we are. It takes skill to be able to make good music. I don't see why The Shins should be considered musicians and for Netsky not to be. Just becuase one is Indie Rock and the other is Drum and Bass doesn't make the other untalented. So you don't like his music. Ok, don't listen to it. Lets not forget who the actual attacker on music is, Pop. While it contains all the properties of music, and therefore is technically music, it has no originality. No ideas, no purpose. The people who make it where already rich because they were born into it. Major Record Companies ruin artists. And this isn't an old argument. Artists become popular, but then they change. Their older fans criticize them for losing their originality, neutral and new fans say they need to make money. But then you forget, that they got popular doing one thing. I am fine with artists branching out. Pendulum has a second name, Knife Party, which makes electro and dubstep, in the style close to Skeptics and Skrillex. Thats fine. Pendulum is one genre, Knfie Party another. Calvin Harris makes disco-pop dance music. I like his style, he is original, but his newer single, a song with Ne-Yo, reminds me of what happened to David Guetta. Now he changed his style to be popular. And now his is the most popular DJ in the world. (Don't try to dispute this, a talk show talked about it).

But the very same people who claim to hate pop music attack the less mainstream electronic genres, and group them together with Nicki Mina J or whatever her name is. The electronic people hate pop just as much as the Indie People. Sort of how the gays don't want twilight any more than heterosexual people. By the way, can we please stop with the whole "STILL not as gay as twilight" meme? Despite the fact that Lil Wayne still is going up the charts. Artists like Tiƫsto, who in the past did phenomenal trance, has moved into more house, and has done collabs with Three 6 Mafia. We shouldn't push these artists to this point. The lack of creativity in the Modern Pop music realm is saddening. So instead of the underground genres attacking each other, they need to agree to disagree, or even try each other, you might find you actually like Datsik. Or you may find you actually like Neutral Milk Hotel, or Cults. Or Passion Pit. Don't say dubstep is like a dial up modem, although I do know a song that samples one. Just because the melody isn't lead by a soprano bitchy-assed pop singer, doesn't make it not music, nor does it's lack of acoustic guitar. It makes it different. An instrument is any device, object, or sound used for the production of musical sounds. A computer counts. Anything can be an instrument, an instruments come to be instruments over time, or through necessity, from Wikipedia: it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument.

So go out there and enjoy or make music. Be original, draw inspiration form others, but don't outright copy!

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