Saturday, May 19, 2012

Back to the Roots

Getting back to the roots of many industrial music, I recently, after hearing a list of the singles of Depeche mode from my mom that she played on this thing called a CD (what is this device?), I quickly started to wander into the discography, and also found they did two remix albums. A few of my favs were on it, Mike Shanoda from Linkin Park, Goldfrapp, two of the members of Miike Snow, and more. This song reflects an instrumental aspect of the band, whcih also sounds a lot like the early days of British band The Prodigy. I love going bakc through underground forms of music, although Personal Jesus and Enjoy the Silence were certainly popular in the 80s. Also, the thumbnail is funny.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Heads Up.

This blog may be gettign a cool thing in the future:
Transcript of an interview with the band Goldfish.

Yeah, you read that correctly. I really love this band. If you haven't heard of them, they are a duo from South Africa, although sometimes a trio. They make really great music, Jazz, Electronica, Swing, House. So many things. A truly original band that i wish was more popular. I was thinking about what sort of questions I would like to ask them, from things like How did you get into Music, to things like what equipment do they use. I'd love some thoughts. I was also hoping I'd get a chance to get the blog link up on there website.

Friday, May 4, 2012



Hans Zimmer - Time (Karanda Remix)

Damn. I was going through my YouTube subscriptions, and came across this one. This is a trance remix of one of my favorite classical/soundtrack songs ever. The song feels like the original, but could easily be played in a club. Trance is a beautiful metamorphosis of electronic music, and certainly is one of the best genres ever. Club music is good, but nothing compares to the tear-jerking synths of trance.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Public Libraries

I have always thought of our public institutions to be a hallmark of society. Free, open, and not out for a profit. Just the way I like them. A lot of the libraries in Massachusetts were founded as part of the education reform in the mid 1800s.

Libraries are beneficial factors to Society. You need a book? Go check it out for FREE at your local library. Oh, and your taxes may go up a slight bit to pay for running the place. Boohoo.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Colored Bacon

So I got this bacon day calendar for my birthday from an old friend, and I finally have a source for bacon related things on this blog! So here we go:

A man called Neil Caldwell has invented coloured bacon! Not a GMO thing, genuinely artificial coloured bacon that is edible. I want it so much. SO MUCH. If anyone gets some, let me know. So the awesomeness can happen. Here are some pictures:

And another:

Banksy when it comes to advertising.

People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small. They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate. They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.
You, however, are forbidden to touch them. Trademarks, intellectual property rights and copyright law mean advertisers can say what they like wherever they like with total impunity.
Fuck that. Any advert in a public space that gives you no choice whether you see it or not is yours. It’s yours to take, re-arrange and re-use. You can do whatever you like with it. Asking for permission is like asking to keep a rock someone just threw at your head.
You owe the companies nothing. Less than nothing, you especially don’t owe them any courtesy. They owe you. They have re-arranged the world to put themselves in front of you. They never asked for your permission, don’t even start asking for theirs.

-Banksy, street artist

Monday, April 30, 2012

Flux Pavilion feat. Example - Daydreamer OUT NOW!

Flux Pavillion has always been a great dusbtep producer. His sounds are heavy, but original. He is original, but not outrageous and maintains his dubstep roots. His music is always a banger. Example is a rapper from Britain, (flux is also English) who lends his vocals nicely. His songs are often remixed by dubstep artists, its nice to him beating them to the punch. This song is available tomorrow in the US.

CISPA: A Prehistoric Bill

This is funny. The video is a good thing. CISPA is better than SOPA. Not all evil.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Kilimanjaro - Dont Wait (Sina. Remix)

This is another one of those songs that makes me happy. Slow, soothing, relaxing. The simplicity of ths is wonderful. The attack on electronic music has missed this entire section of music entirely. Enjoy!


You know, the state of the media in this country is sad. I think Jon Stewart is more reliable than some new reporters. I feel like he is a trusted national figure. I don't feel that way with real news reporters.

Smooth Music

I listen to a lto fo hard music. Dubstep, Hardstyle, Electro, but I lov the minalistic stuff and the smooth chillstep and relaxing things. So when I found this song by module module, called, an interlude, I instantly thought it shuld be shared here. Such a great song. Epic, smooth, tear jerking, and relaxing.

FIXYN - You Don't Know Fiction

This song makes me happy. And this week, I need to be happy.


I got a Hammer and Sickle shirt with money I got for Newbury Comics. Great store. I found it ironic that i purchased something from a private company for a communist thing.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reason #13 why cities are better

Clubs. Many clubs. Dubstep clubs. House clubs. Popualr clubs. Underground clubs. More musical variety on the radio. More MUSIC.

The Attack on Producing, and a comment on Modern Pop

Music. I mean the attack on Producing Music. Electronically, specifically. The recent rise of Skrillex into the corner of maybe the mainstream, has caused a lot of the internet to turn against the people who use, ableton, protools, logic, reason, FL Studio. Why? Because the computer is not an instrument of music they say. But it still requires you be able to read music, not any less than other genres. You need to be able to play a keyboard most often, and the DJ Set is often only for mixing and playing live shows. They like to criticize producers/djs for not be artistic.

I say that we are. It takes skill to be able to make good music. I don't see why The Shins should be considered musicians and for Netsky not to be. Just becuase one is Indie Rock and the other is Drum and Bass doesn't make the other untalented. So you don't like his music. Ok, don't listen to it. Lets not forget who the actual attacker on music is, Pop. While it contains all the properties of music, and therefore is technically music, it has no originality. No ideas, no purpose. The people who make it where already rich because they were born into it. Major Record Companies ruin artists. And this isn't an old argument. Artists become popular, but then they change. Their older fans criticize them for losing their originality, neutral and new fans say they need to make money. But then you forget, that they got popular doing one thing. I am fine with artists branching out. Pendulum has a second name, Knife Party, which makes electro and dubstep, in the style close to Skeptics and Skrillex. Thats fine. Pendulum is one genre, Knfie Party another. Calvin Harris makes disco-pop dance music. I like his style, he is original, but his newer single, a song with Ne-Yo, reminds me of what happened to David Guetta. Now he changed his style to be popular. And now his is the most popular DJ in the world. (Don't try to dispute this, a talk show talked about it).

But the very same people who claim to hate pop music attack the less mainstream electronic genres, and group them together with Nicki Mina J or whatever her name is. The electronic people hate pop just as much as the Indie People. Sort of how the gays don't want twilight any more than heterosexual people. By the way, can we please stop with the whole "STILL not as gay as twilight" meme? Despite the fact that Lil Wayne still is going up the charts. Artists like Tiësto, who in the past did phenomenal trance, has moved into more house, and has done collabs with Three 6 Mafia. We shouldn't push these artists to this point. The lack of creativity in the Modern Pop music realm is saddening. So instead of the underground genres attacking each other, they need to agree to disagree, or even try each other, you might find you actually like Datsik. Or you may find you actually like Neutral Milk Hotel, or Cults. Or Passion Pit. Don't say dubstep is like a dial up modem, although I do know a song that samples one. Just because the melody isn't lead by a soprano bitchy-assed pop singer, doesn't make it not music, nor does it's lack of acoustic guitar. It makes it different. An instrument is any device, object, or sound used for the production of musical sounds. A computer counts. Anything can be an instrument, an instruments come to be instruments over time, or through necessity, from Wikipedia: it is through purpose that the object becomes a musical instrument.

So go out there and enjoy or make music. Be original, draw inspiration form others, but don't outright copy!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Reason #12 of why cities are better

Cities has mroe foreigners, so more exchange of culture occurs, which also means information, so cities have a more complex view and understanding of the world.

Countryside vs City

Now, I just had a fight about this. The majority of my friends i talked to prefer the country. I think that's because they live in the country, and have for the majority of there lives. Being someone born in LA area, I love the city.

Montreal, Toronto, and Boston. My favs. and LA has its own category.

Some may say the city is polluted, and that there is crime. To which I say, yes, there is crime, but because the people in the country are so anti-gun regulation. So cities are the victims of backwards legislation. The attacks on women are done by religious conservatives that live in THE COUNTRY. Most cities are democratic, and even better, mildly socialist. San Fransisco has free public healthcare. Cities have better public facilities, like fire, police, and ER. Not to mention things like libraries. And they are more built up, so there is less chance of roads being closed because of natural disaster. The majority of the world's population lives in a city now. Cities are more evolved than the country. The first places to get the newest innovations are cities. Faster Internet. I might just list the advantages of living in the city:

I am talking about the nicer areas of cities, lets leave the bad sections out of this, and I'd rather live in a drug ridden section of a city than in a town of racists.

1. Education is better
2. Healthcare
3. Internet is faster
4. More roads and means of transport
5. Localized living, no driving 50+ miles to get milk
6. Libraries
7. More public funding into infrastructure
8. Arts, the arts are often promoted more in cities. When was the last time you heard an opera in a small town?
9. Trains, more eco friendly than cars
10. More people=more friends=more exchange of ideas
11. Many More. I might list them in individual posts.


You know the saying that nothing is safe? I mean, that no song is safe from being remixed? Beatles? Omega Dubstep remixed Come Together. Pink Floyd? Omega again. Jimi Hendrix? Benny Benassi.

Now it seems that not even national anthems (or former ones, as the case is) are safe. I honestly love this, but many may not (Putin). That's right, the USSR has gone electronic. A producer by the youtube name of JonD58239.

deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember (Caspa Remix)

Remixes of deadmau5 are a hard thing to do. But I think this is well done.

53 Reasons why we need a new Star Trek Series

I know, I know, not my original, but still true. Found it on Huffington Post.
1. There are zero space operas on TV at the moment. How is this even possible?

2. We finally have the technology to make Star Trek look cool. No longer will the Klingons have silly-looking pets.

3. Four years is a long time to wait between J.J. Abrams movies.

4. New episodes mean new social ideas to tackle. Gene Roddenberry would enjoy the series taking on new social and political questions of today.

5. Finally a show not about a crime scene or featuring lawyers

6. Finally a Star Trek show about crime scenes and lawyers?

7. Use characters other than Captain Kirk and the Enterprise crew. The USS Viper sounds pretty bad ass.

8. This is probably the biggest hurdle the people at CBS (who own Star Trek property) have. They don't want to over saturate the market with Star Trek episodes and ruin their tent-pole film franchise. There is a way for both properties to coexist. Make them completely different stories. Get creative and have the TV show set 500 years in the future or the past. Although, be better than the lackluster Enterprise.

8. Merchandising! Merchandising! Merchandising! There's too much money to be made for this not to happen.

9. NASA named a spaceship after the ship in Star Trek. Think about that! I'm sure NASA nerds would love to help with making the show realistic or as authentic as it possibly can.

10. Episode 59: The crew encounters a planet where magic is real thanks to their green sun.

11. Slutty space aliens.

12. Explore the space of the Federation. Set a show on Earth or Mars or whatever! Just make sure there are transporters involved.

13. Episode 5 could take our heroes to a planet full of zombies.

14. Since J.J. Abrams rebooted Kirk and Spock, have someone else reboot Picard and Riker for Star Trek: The Next Generation.

15. Because Star Wars is officially embarrassing. Star Trek finally has the chance to become hip.

16. If all goes well, maybe someone will finally make that real life USS Enterprise in Las Vegas!

17. At this point there should be an entire channel dedicated to Star Trek. Channel 780 should be all Star Trek, all the time.

18. Star Trek: The Academy Years. 90210 meets Star Trek. BOOM! I just created a new franchise.

19. Space monsters never get old.

20. American Horror Story meets Star Trek: Stardate 4721 the crew of the USS Trinity start to experience strange anomalies as crew members begin to die mysterious deaths. BOOM! Franchise!

21. Cheers: Star Trek. A sitcom takes place in the bar of the Enterprise.

22. Finally have a likeable Vulcan character not named Spock.

23. Bring back Klingons!

24. Tribbles!

25. Vulcan-on-Vulcan sex scene.

26. Turn your phasers to KILL!

27. Episode 23: The crew travels back in time to Mad Men times, thanks to the Holodeck, to solve a murder mystery and learn a valueable lesson. Naturally.

28. A new Data!

29. Episode 56: Responding to a distress esignal the crews of 3 StarFleet ships must come together to solve global warming on an alien planet on the brink!

30. First openly gay Starfleet Captain!

31. Romulan wine drinking games!

32. The return of the magic sliding doors for elevators that no one EVER WAITS FOR!

33. Snakes on the Starship!

34. Episode 18 the USS Enterprise crew encounters vampires. Someone may be infected. All personel are required to head to sick bay where it turns out the ships doctor is the vampire and he's using blood samples to quench his thirst. TWIST!

35. Geordi wears the Google augmented reality glasses instead of my mom's hair clip on his face.

36: The captain gets to say no to Worf again!

37. More Lens Flares!!

38. Episode 97: First Officer Drake gets hooked on space drugs and turns the USS Falcon into a space drug delivery system

39. KAHN!

40. A truly epic Starfleet vs. Klingon battle in high definition.

41. Photon torpedoes!

42. Episode 8: Bottle episode where we learn our fearless Captain is looking for his long lost father.

43: Wormholes!

44: An HBO Star Trek series with a similar tone to Game of Thrones, but in space! Lots of blood, sex and talking.

45: An entire series set on the sick bay of a Starship where they must treat unsual space illnesses. Think House but in space!

46. A sweet new opening title sequence featuring, "Space, the final frontier..."

47. New catchphrases! Picard had, "Make it so." Spock had "Live Long and Prosper." McCoy had,
"Damn it, Jim!" It's time for a new one!

48. Strange new worlds would look cool on my TV. Just sayin'.

49. Before there was the United Federation of Planets, there was something else. I want to see that on TV.

50. NBC could really use the ratings (even though CBS owns the rights to Star Trek, it's common practice for a show to be owned by one network and air on a different one)

51. New weapons! There has to be something better than a phaser to battle alien scum at this point.

52. We can finally know what happens to all the poop on Starships! Seriously, where does it all go? Do they beam it somewhere? Some shit filled planet or into a sun so it burns up on contact?
53. Because there are a million fan fiction stories to tell on television. No other franchise has a more loyal fan base than Star Trek. It's time to reward these fans with their stories on the small screen.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pretty Lights

I recently discovered an artist called Pretty Lights. Jazzy, electronic, glitchy, I already posted about them, but i felt maybe a sampler might be a good idea. Its like Flying lotus, but also like Moby. But also electronic like Daft Punk. And has jazz instruments like Goldfish! I love them. This first song is Jazzy. With a nice grooving tempo, smooth bassline, and snazzy sax, it is something I'd expect a Jazz festival to have playing.
This next one has another grooving bassline, but some vynyl scratches are added, and the rainy saxophone is still present. Also, that familiar Etta James sample is present. I got into a political argument on this video, look for the Comments by Capisari.
This is a faster tempo than the previous two, and has some strings that remind me of Parov Stelar's stuff.  An electronic beat is present as well, although not up front like a house track. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do.

The Political Climate and Women

So as we all know, this year is an election year. After a terrifying republican primary, where all the candidates tried to get to the right of each other, and when Mitt Romney gave up any credibility he had earned as Governor of a liberal state. During this an age old attack on logic began. Science, free thought, Islam, Atheism, and Women were all valid targets.

The attack on women though, perhaps, is the most important one. Considering that they make up half of the nation, they are a huge voting group. Polls have Obama with leads of up to 20 points with women, compared to Romney. And the republicans wonder why? They think it's some liberal-psuedo-commie conspiracy, and that women are still this:
Thing is, they're not. They vote now. They use this new thing called birth control, which while may allow as Rush Limbaugh calls it "sluts" to be able to do it more, it also prevents kids like this:
But this is a more likely supporter of Republicans!
Women tend to be more liberal, so it's not wonder why the Right is attacking them with things we settled years ago. Abortion, Birth Control, Equal Pay. A bill in Wisconsin that protected equal pay rights in that state was recently repealed! Why? Because supposedly men value money more. We have been transported back to the 50s! The democrats have gotten so weak that they can't stand up fo rhte things they supported, hell, even republicans supported in the 60s and 70s. The fundamental christian spring that has recently happened in the republican party is actually something that Nixon, Reagan, McCain, and many other veteren, well educated, Republicans have warned against. The base of the Republican Party has gotten so radicalized that not even the older, smart, republicans can cope. Many have been exiled to the Democrats! The Democrats need to move farther to the left. In order to combat the rise of fundamentalist right, we need a secular left. Ironically, we need the very thing that the right is afraid of. Socialist Secularists who want to take away your guns and make the US into a Socialist State. Caring for people and wanting equal rights for all isn't some secular left way of making you sodomize your children. I would have had my mom type this, but she was at work. Shocking.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Sampling - Another Rant

Ok, so I guess today is the time for blog posts that are texts. I just wanted to show you a few songs. Three to be exact. I have my opinions, you may have yours. The following songs are all done by artists, except for the one by flo rida. They all have the same sample, but go in very different directions

Ok. So this is the first one. It is by Swedish house producer Avicii. I personally love this song. But the sample in this is Etta James. You may recognize the lyrics from a Flo Rida song, which I'll get to. I heard this and was like, a good house song, I might by it. There are remixes by Skrillex, Rameses B, and Amazed, if you want dubstep, drum and bass, and hardstyle, respectively. He also has another song, although I think it may not be the actual name, called level two. There are soo many remixes.

Then there is Flo Rida's version. Initially, I actually thought he had sampled Avicii, but in his version the melody for Avicii is in there but not up front and in the synth. More acoustic in this version, which I already hate it when acoustic is used in pop music. This version, the vocal from Etta James is mre raspy for some reason.
Warning: Video of Flo Rida is here for informative uses only. Watch/Listen at your own risk.

Finally, is one of the songs I recently discovered. It is by Pretty Lights, and has the same sample. This one however, is more like the original, although electric and not as upbeat. This has the sample chopped up, but not in the skrillex way, in a sloppier, more relaxed way. This is in the direction of the Glitch Mob or Com Truise. Or awesomeness. I like the last word.
Did i mention this one is free?
For informative purposes, here is the original song too:


Occasionally, i like to take some time out of the usual mindless posting of things that is now pretty much 90% NOT bacon and socialist, and add to the 90% and make it be a little thoughtful. And If I'm lucky, connect it somehow to Socialism.

Ok, so I have been thinking that it seems like everyone else is doing stuff. Without me. Now I know that that's just fine and dandy, and you have the right to do that. But it seems like everyone goes out and off and is doing something this week. My girlfriend will be in Cambridge on Friday/Saturday. My friend DJango is in Florida, my other friend is in Holland. I have been home in front of my computer alone for the entire week. On Sunday I get to have a my birthday party, but its sunday and only shortens the time I'm away from my friends. I actually think I'm the one person to HATE week long vacations. The first few days are nice but then I start missing my friends. I'd invite them over but my parental authority wouldn't want teenagers at home alone for an entire day with no supervision. She thinks that if there is two or more of my kind alone we'll smoke pot and watch porn all day. She couldn't be wronger, we can't afford pot, and who watches porn with friends? We'd probably just sit in front of the TV or Computer all day and talk about Minecraft/Internet Memes/Music. But I do that through gchat.

I feel like maybe I should get outside more often. but outside my yard is terrible and there are wasps. And its so uneven you'd break your leg trying to run. ANd who is going to walk around outside alone int here yard? Less than a quarter acre. Dafuq are you supposed to do? Through a frisbee to yourself? That's hard, dumb, tiresome, and makes you look forever alone.

So I think I should do things more. But what? loiter? In my town, those of you that know where i live, not much do to. Walgreen's is my idea of a fun time! And all my friends live far away. My girlfriend lives on the other end of the state.

Of course, by the end of summer vacation I am seeing my friends faces where they aren't there, and again, I am always glad to be back in school. Maybe i just have bad friends who rarely ask me to do anything.

I guess i can't really apply this to Bacon or Socialism, except that after I post tis i am going to go eat some bacon.

Today's Edition of What The F*ck Japan: SODA TIME

The above video is 60 minutes of the sounds of pouring carbonated drinks. Thank you Japan, just what I needed.

On a slightly different note, what kind of sicko faps to this? Because by the laws of internet fetishes, somebody does.

Have fun drinking soda after this!
Django out.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Oh yeah, I also have a twitter, I'll figure out a way to put it into the blog permanently and not just in this post but for now:

Biggest piece of win I saw today.

Sound Quality.

So for my birthday, which this year was on Easter, and I'm atheist, I asked for a sound system with a nicely sized subwoofer. Not a huge one to vibrate my house like a cheap vibrator, but enough that i can hear bass tones the way they're meant to be.

I am not regretting the decision.


So as I'm sure you're all aware of, Taco Bell, the until a few years ago a Mexican-style Fast-food chain, has been selling a Doritos Nacho cheese taco shell taco. Knowing me, you'd expect me to eat it. Not only did I, I had two of these freaks of culinary, nay- scientific nature. I say this because there is no way that this was meant to be. Oh, and by the way, they were delicious. But while I was eating this, I thought to myself, as I sipped my blue liquid the color of wiper fluid for cars, this is something I could do only in the US. Maybe the UK and Canada.

In Western Europe, they'd look confused.

In Eastern Europe, I had drug lords trying to figure out who sold it to me so they could sell it too

In Africa, they'd think it was dangerous

In the Middle East, it'd be used as Anti-US Propaganda

In Southern/Western Asia, they'd have similar reactions to the Chinese

Delicious AND cleans your windshield
In Mexico, they'd think I was insulting them

See, there also is a Capitalist aspect to it. Due to years of the gradual dumbing down of the consumer, they are so dumb as to buy this shit. This delicious shit. I love it, for example. I will never buy it again. But there are people that will buy this repeatedly. Only in America.
Even this is from California
Seriously? The combinations of foods now. Does anyone remember the days when we had food? Like Hamburgers? Hot Wings? No, now we have pink slime inside of our 1/3 pound smashed monstrosities from unknown locations in east Watusi. I miss my grass fed free range cows. But that takes too much money.

Hey Kids, your "finely textured" animal product is here!
You want to eat this? No? Well your in luck, it seems that perhaps the consumers had been listened to. Almost all of the places selling stuff with it inside had dropped it. But you still have irradiation to worry about.
Remember these? These are called Cows
Yes we should go back to the days of actually killing our food. Not just gettign wierd parts of it and feeding its offspring the rest. Enjoy your next meal folks!

Dubstep. Violin

I think I'll just leave this here:

Dubstep Violin anyone?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

Netsky - Come Back Home [HD]

Another wonderful tune from Netsky, belgian drum and bass producer. This song samples

J.J. Barnes
Baby Please Come Back Home

(who sampled website)
Thanks for listening.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


So recently I, along with a friend, began Producing an album for a friend of ours. While neither of us expect to be paid or even acknowledged, it still is a boat load of fun. I don't know what there group name is, but I hope to get a preview of one of there songs up, along with future remixes I'll do for them. Expect Hip-Hop.

-DJ Semi:/Larry

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Segment: WHY JAPAN!?

I have recently been tryign to figure out cultures of othe rnations, you know to be less of an ignorant American. I can accept almost all other cultures that aren't radical, but Japan just doesn't do it for me. So I am starting a segment. Hopefully, once a week, I'll post something relating to japan. Today:
Here we see them on there trip to work. WTF Japan?
-The rest of the World.

100 Page Views and Oldskool dNb.

Yay! Our highest view count! Keep reloading the page Django! Maybe we'll reach 200 by next week!

So I wa slistening to High Contrast, AKA the best f*cking DnB artist out there. His musi cis original even with samples from old songs, but is awesome. Here is one that i love:
A sample in here is also used in a hardstyle song.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Music n shit!

Hey guys, what's up? Django here, with some music, and a question for y'all. 
Firstly, the music, during my weekly rare-music run at, I found this: 

For all the people who don't trust random links, this is a remix by Alpha Data of the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Snow ((Hey Oh)). Normally I don't really like the electronic remixes of old, very unelectronic songs, but this is fucking amazing. Seriously, you should all go listen to it. You can download it there as well.

Secondly, Larry has a DJ name. Now, I'm no DJ, but I dabble, and I work rather hard in the design of electronic music itself, with Audacity, FL Studio, and a few secret ones. What should I call myself? Seriously, I'm lookin for ideas.

Hail and farewell comerades.
Django out.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New SOng

Of mine! DJ Semicolon - New Earth

Don't ask about the name. I just liked it. Sounded better than cheddar.

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Thank You Django for the post. I hope to see more done by you. I'd like to take a few minutes to type about and you read about a great Youtube Channel, called Liqiucity. A Liquid Drum n Bass channel, the best on youtube.

They have great dnb, whihc tends to be softer on the ears than say, Pendulum. But don't get me wrong, I love Pendulum, but I like my ears to be soothed or happy more than not. Half of the stuff on here is energetic, another half soothing. Most of the music just makes me happy, and want to do a backflip. But I can't do a backflip. Which then makes me mad. But then I get happy again, and it may repeat up to ten times. SO then I go listen to Indie Rock.

A taste of their more energetic side:

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Django here.

So, Larry says the rest of us don't post on here...
Yeah, he's right, I may have possibly forgotten that I could post on here...
BUT yeah, I'm currently assembling a playlist of high quality electronic music. In high quality, of course.
Please, place creative ideas in the comments section below (fuck you RWJ).

Next thing, if you do not know already, here is a little whoring out for a friend of mine, who hosts online radio shows here:
Granted this blog gets potentially less readers than the website, but hey, every bit counts.

Now. What could anyone possibly talk about? There is no originality on the internet as we know it, but if there was it would go something like, 4chan shits out the keyboard, and comes up with a good idea, much like monkeys, typewriters, and Shakespeare. Then Reddit gets a hold of it and uses it for karma whoring, usually where I find it. Next, it gets reblogged around Tumblr for a while. And finally, after being Digged (Dugg? I don't use it) StumbledUpon, and emailed all over the web, it ends on facebook, and blogger, where this shit comes to die.
Or maybe be reborn, lets make this experience better shall we?

Peace, love, and pineapples.
Django out.

Friday, February 17, 2012


Well, I'm back. None of my other contributors seem to ever post. I hate doing this alone. To start things off, lets start with a Dubstep song.

Most of what is on uKF now seems to be shit. Too much vocals. But this song makes it acceptable. The bass is like older dubstep. back to the roots. Hell yeah!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hardstyle FTW

I really have just been getting into hardstyle recently. Started awhile ago when I heard Angerfist and Predator with Legend. I suggest you look it. It really is a hard genre. No relaxing melodies, it is all thumping bass reverbs and fast synths. I noticed a lot of the time, it seems to throw in random samples from other things.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Recently, I've been expanding my reaches in the musical realm. I have six songs out on hte itnernet, although I don;t like the vast majority of them currently the way they are. But hey, it's a beginning. But anyways, i thought i might try to get my music out there. So look up Semicolon on Soundcloud, i am the one named Lawrence Belanger.